Shenghang Gao + Yuxin Wang

City Instrument
Advisor: Karel Klein

Our project is the city instrument, located in Burgen as a music theatre. The project explores possibilities of spaces generated from architectural poche shaped by music, or to say acoustic poche of the auditorium. In this way, we could free certain sounds out, giving us a chance to interact with music theatre in the local city and introduce a new relationship between acoustic architecture and the urban, an instrument in the city.

And this led us to a sectional idea, of generating spaces from the acoustic panels which are shaped by music. Acoustic panels assure the audience of a perfect sound experience, and gaps between the panels bring the music into the space outside the theatre.

Acoustic panels are usually considered as attachments of the ceiling, but in our project, we have made their floors of upper spaces. At the same time, the height difference between the acoustic shapes allows them to support each other like a dome or arch.